
Landlord Services

Every property is unique, and every Landlord has particular needs. That’s why we offer a tailored management approach.

We will find you the right tenants, not the first tenants. We understand due diligence when it comes to leasing, and we’re across all aspects of current legislation.


Landlord HandbookLandlord PortalServices & Pricing


We go the extra mile to find stable, long-term Tenants by holding private inspections instead of open homes.

We will show the property as many times as necessary to find the right Tenant and thoroughly screen every applicant to ensure the house suits the Tenant and the Tenant suits the house.

Transfer Your Management

If you feel frustrated dealing with your current property manager, you are not stuck if you are not happy!

MKB are experts in seamless management transfers and will manage the transition without any stress for you or your Tenants.

Switching Managers

Rent Collection

We will only get paid when you get paid. Our fee structure rewards rent collection and encourages an attentive approach to arrears management.

We can pay you weekly, fortnigthly or monthly to suit your situation, and provide accurate statements so you can track every dollar and see how your investment is performing by logging into your Landlord Portal.

Repairs & Maintenance

A good investment property should provide peace of mind, both for Landlords and Tenants. We appreciate that this is your House, and their Home.

When issues arise, MKB makes sure every job is assessed before coordinating quality tradespeople who we supervise, and inspect their work before payment.

We will communicate problems with solutions, and you will never be surprised to see an expense appear on your Owner’s Statement without having prior knowledge of the incident.